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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2011 7:01pm-7:31pm EDT

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ten people. many injuries can levy. thank you if you can help. people are currently confirmed to have died from the sinking of the bulgaria over one hundred are still missing but there are confusion as a confusion over the numbers of people on the ship it's thought that there were around one hundred eighty on the ship but at the moment there's no list currently available for emergency services to try and see exactly who was on the boat so it's proving difficult to know how many people they're actually looking for however at the site just south of khazan there is an ongoing effort divers have managed to find the ship on the bottom of the river bed and those efforts to find the causes of this sinking and also any possible survivors will be ongoing throughout the night. all right thank you tom barton reporting there and for more details on the
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search operation and of the latest from the russian emergencies ministry we can go live to our correspondent jacob reeves who's here in moscow now jacob we hear that the cruise ship safely worked this route for years is there any information on why the tragedy should strike now. we've already heard a number of theories as to what's occurred here must stress they are just theories at present one of them being though that this ship was over crowded is about one hundred forty people as you mentioned was mentioned by tom oh not sure how many people around one hundred a fear this being most widely reported here also the age of the vessel in question around fifty five years old in this questions being raised as to whether or not they should be sailing down the ball in the first place some of this actually be substantiated by a crew member who said that it really was suffering from engine difficulties just before set sail on its two day trip to. coincide with this well actually this
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vessel was checked and given the green light by the ministry of transport in moscow and as early as the fifteenth of june the attention here really focusing on those missing those who were left in the water over one hundred of those in the water in vogue and. we spoke to a local reporter who's crossed on the difficulties there be facing in finding dry land. the rescue mission is underway and will continue throughout the night. people may have been able to. far from where the. currents are making the situation increasingly difficult because people may have been swept several kilometers away. of the vessel to see if there are any people trapped inside divers entering the using a boat at the scene as the waves are high and the able to do is to communicate with the divers. the major question being asked here is how this
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vessel sank so quickly in under three minutes time now there are actually the eyewitness reports that we've heard already from survivors saying they don't feel that the captain of the crew members did enough to stop it sinking so quickly by passengers valuable time to don life jackets and enter lifeboats hopefully saving more and leaving the situation this tragic situation we have over one hundred people still missing in the waters of the folder now we have heard that the boats has been found by divers on the scene that's actually found on the riverbed cap turned on its drive that's about as far as the clues to what happened here go the president president of it was already said that there will be a full investigation launched to find out more facts who've been here more for representative for the companies operating a search and rescue ship that picked up some of the survivors. already blocked all the national sank in about two minutes the crew was right we're trying to talk to the writers want to come in fluent english attach
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a paste on the boat when john through quickly we're assuming the and where the crews are sound we don't find any survivors there was only van i don't at the scene i'd like to say that al ras hands are altered and should have been properly maintained. there was a tension here reno turning to those who are still missing over one hundred still missing and they will be scanning in just a huge search operation will continue all night scanning both the neighboring island thirteen of which are within reasonable distance of those swim ashore and of course the river itself. all right thank you jacob breen greaves reporting there we'll keep you posted as more information becomes available. egypt's prime minister is of value to sack any members of the security forces accused of killing protesters during the uprising that toppled former president hosni mubarak the stabbing comes after thousands of egyptians turned out for the biggest rally in months angered over the slow pace of prosecuting officials and reforms the people
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say they will keep fighting until they see change artes and he said no is that the scene. egypt's uprising might have ousted president mubarak but to them he's far from gone thousands of people out here on top here they all see different visions of egypt but they join together because the people we've spoken to feel like their revolution has been stolen we go through the books of the mubarak's the. life and when the taste of freedom was short lived the military is in full power a mass media is being choked and oppression still rampant and worse. i think they werent catching activists as much as they are doing now and take them to work prison i guess now they're being revealed by the want to kill with this so that in the first place he's known simply as hostile here in egypt
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a social network or with a twitter army of some thirty thousand followers the military throws of civilians have to stop immediately immediately this is you know one of the major demands we're putting forward one of many demands including transparent trials for the fallen regime and the purging of corrupt officials they got rid of mubarak you know their high ranking officials but now egypt with the same way it was before january surprise that little officials little mubarak so many new marks rather is what they're calling them are running the country people like myself have been arguing for taking the high you to the factories taking the higher you to the universities seeking to have to the workplaces meaning that in every single word police we have an egypt that is amenable now when it was never interested in politics in till january she was shot with twenty three pellets by riot police twenty of which are still in her like the pain is finally gone but her perseverance is not the barrier
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of fear is gone and she will continue to fight to the end. i want every. human being every protester has their own vision of the egypt they're fighting for some want to constitution and then free elections others think the new law should follow the vote one thing that brings them all together is that this egypt is not the end. and he said no way are. georgia has charged three photojournalists including the personal photographer of president saakashvili with spying for russia says it possesses video confessions proving their guilt the first to have the finger of suspicion pointed to. thirteen people were detained and accused of being spies on russia's payroll. behind bars commenting on recent events georgia's opposition. told r.t.
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the evidence could have been obtained under pressure. and the rest is giving such kind of explanation specially we had to take into account that he was not the only wife and they have a very small child why relief. that we. mentioned. before. but. we never. think. he's even.
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going to have. three. rule for law and the rights of the people when you lost your country twenty percent of thirty thirty because they yell and they get caught then there is responsible election you should find somebody who will be guilty in everything which is wrong in the country because very old police call sickening and they say it's just quite easy to explain this russian size and to me and everything would be wrong to the country least was russian so suckers really creating things i cannot say me and trying to link everybody who is against quemoy against he's a regime and who is fighting for deal democracy in this country he is trying to link was russian and coming up in the program. just before the anniversary of europe's worst massacre since the nazi era r t travels to chevron outta where people are still in search of justice. rebels in libya are battling past
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government forces on the road to tripoli they are now moving towards the key town of xli tun after a six week long impasse but the capital still remains over one hundred fifty kilometers away the rebels say their progress has been slow due to a lack of ammunition and nato support there have been suggestions that the alliance itself is running low and has asked to germany for initiatives in the bill for its own burlington surprise turn after opposing the mission from the outer. more bombs wanted just over one hundred days of airstrikes and with just over two thousand bombs dropped by nato allies in libya the mission has run into an unexpected problem a lack of cells to drop where there is demand there is supply and this case germany has agreed to provide the much needed ammunition previously berlin has abstained from voting in favor of the u.n.
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security council resolution on libya a move that surprised some and angered others but it may now be backing out of its decision the germans may not want to participate but they have decided that position does not preclude them actually subserve lying weapons in this case or systems some believe germany is under pressure from other nato members particularly the united states friends in the u.k. to take a more active part in the libyan campaign at first hand our you know ministries toward the foreign affairs minister don't go into libya it's a very bad conflict it was started by the cia and it's a dirty business don't go there so this is why you voted with russia and china now the backlash from washington is so tough that obviously we are under pressure to do . thing to make up for this decision aside from peer pressure germany may be alerted by the possible financial benefits of making its weapons available for nato
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in libya probably jon benet will get paid for delivering these to other countries but that is normal practice between the between nato countries. all of the twenty eight nato members only eight are actively participating in libya with civilian deaths to which nato recently admitted to a shortage of weapons and the ever relentless more market duffy is still at the helm the coalition may be facing just the beginning of its problems. berlin is in a tough spot on the one hand it has disappointed nato by refusing to support the mission only being march on the other by agreeing to supply bombs it may now lose friends in other high places and whatever the real reasons for its contradictory policy may be germany could find that by trying to please everyone it may end up pleasing no one if you go score. political blogger rick ross offered believes
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a humanitarian mission was never high on nato's agenda in the region thirteen thousand nato air missions over a country of six and a half million people including what nato itself acknowledges is five thousand gone bad there shouldn't there that's not a war. you know this is not simply a question of the are protecting libyan civilians from the over the government violence and so forth this is a concerted long term military action nato it's the world's only military board it's one that is in charge of the two major wars in the world right now those in afghanistan and in libya i think you know we can dispute you know minor points of contention but i think we should not be confused about what the nature of the merkel are the dirty organization. now an update on our main story the tragedy in central russia after a pleasure cruiser sank with almost two hundred on board in the river vulgar and hardest on more than one hundred people are still missing and a search and rescue operation will continue through the night the vessel called the
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bulgaria reportedly sank within three minutes of getting into difficulty and was three kilometers from the shore when it went down it's thought to have been carrying people on a weekend of sightseeing break some survivors were picked up and have been taken to prison for treatment i witness says say a storm is likely to be to blame for the sinking while others suggest a failure of the boats engines although that has not been confirmed. on to other news now britain's scandal plagued news of the world newspaper has rolled off the presses for the last time its final edition was apologetic but defiant after being hastily closed by rupert murdoch this week the embattled media mogul flew to london to take charge of the crisis which engulfed the paper and its parent company news international it is claimed journalists hacked the phones of murder victims and dead soldiers families police made a number of arrests on friday including a former editor of the paper who has also served as the prime minister's press chief media analyst phil reeves says rupert murdoch has now lost his long standing
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immunities among britain's political and. i think something changed this week you know for decades british prime ministers have been on a nice to the to the murdoch press because they knew that when the sun which is his main daily newspaper here in britain when the sun supported a british politician running for prime minister you know they wanted and then you'd find in the next day you'd find the prime minister reading the sun looking like an idiot saying well the sun got me elected i mean so you've got this did meaning of british democracy is that missing of democracy really which the murdoch press was at the altar but i think it was that for silence as well because important people needed the murdoch press and they couldn't be they couldn't attack it because of that. and i think a line was crossed rupert murdoch has a very finely tuned business brain he has a lot of things going on now one of them is to purchase the largest satellite network in britain called sky b.
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and that decision is about to be approved by the government that was in jeopardy i think he felt that as a businessman he had to sacrifice the news of the world because it in terms of the whole news international it's a tiny part of all that the political class who've been sucking up to rupert murdoch for so many years including prime minister david cameron he now has to stand back and say no i can't do it anymore it's going to back the former bosnian serb a general accused of ordering the chevron it's a massacre is likely to have a new legal team to resign represent him at the hague. angrily disrupted his second hearing the raving judges for not allowing him to have his lawyers present but many serbs feel the need for his generals trial will not bring full justice archies company knows of explains. the quiet little town of sibling meets in bosnia and herzegovina who looks at delic you houses are being built people go about their business and in the center of the town a mosque and a church sit side by side but disappearing unity is an illusion sixty years ago the
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entire region was torn apart by ethnic clashes during the yugoslav war and. became infamous when the united nations stated eight thousand muslim men and boys were massacred by bosnian serb forces today and the morial for the deceased sits in the grounds of a former un military base the sort of thing it's a memorial ground as well maintained and frequently visited by locals journalists and tourists who get boston and the bosnian capital of. what the tourist aren't shown are the thousands of serbian graves that lined cemeteries all around the stepping it's a region. thousands of people were killed during the balkan wars of the one nine hundred ninety s. but cemeteries like these with entire families of murdered serb civilians only get visited by the very few remaining survivors but only comes here all the time his entire family lives here he says a bosnian muslim general is responsible. i was only nine years old when the us had
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already struck away everything i had in life the first to kill my mother then my father and brother i was wounded and taken captive they held me for fifty six days and only god knows how or why i survived. but even then but on a survive his loss just like that it's thousands of people here is being ignored. each was at the hague tribunal and i was supposed to be a witness in his trial but in the end me and about thirty other witnesses were simply cast aside they didn't call us didn't ask what happened to our families and the tribunal only gave him two years in prison. the balkan war so heinous atrocities visited an all sides and perpetrated by all players but the version most often propagated by western media is rather one sided in blaming the serbs the purpose of that is to set the stage and create
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a rationale for so-called humanitarian interventions which in the occurred in considerable number in the mouth of structure in it so that so-called precedent can be traced through the years and into today's headlines bosnia iraq afghanistan and most recently did libya have all played unwilling hosts to nato troops and u.s. imposed no fly zones it is very important and the creation of the. scenario for make sure that in the minds of most people. was drawn aside which was preventable but for whatever reasons the so-called international community didn't do anything about it. sin might say the journey from sitting needs such a benghazi via baghdad and kabul could now be traced as a kind of nato road map but as with any road paved with good intentions there is
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only one possible destination castros are about r t bosnia and herzegovina. a fire at a nursing home for the elderly in northwest ukraine has killed sixteen people fire crews battle the flames for five hours and managed to rescue eleven people from the blaze victims were then treated in hospital for carbon dioxide forty three remain in a grave condition the authorities are now investigating the cause of the fire but early reports say it was not started deliberately. turkmenistan's government has admitted that a series of explosions that shook the city of occurred at a munitions depot the blasts happened on thursday and killed fifteen people according to official reports and initially authorities said it was an incident at a fireworks factory and that there were no casualties but that contradicted eyewitness pictures and reports that around two hundred were killed and scores injured it is understood that officials are responsible for giving out false public
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information have been sacked turkmenistan has long been a very secretive state and even the internet was banned until recently repair works are underway in the stricken town and all the victims are being promised government and. the u.s. has announced it's pulling the plug on almost eight hundred million dollars of military aid to pakistan relations between the two countries have been strained since osama bin laden's killing in may journalist ahmed coeur de she says the differences between washington and islamabad will not be ironed out easily. i don't think we're seeing any signs that the u.s. officials are really sincere about the need this relationship. as a relationship between two independent sovereign and these they would like to work together ten years ago. it was really very hard to find a clean clean shaven buckstone you criticize in the united states it was it was taken for granted if you're criticizing the u.s.
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you must be some radical extremist but today you have people from the upper classes of pakistan the really lead and very very critical of the united states so i think there's something really wrong and i think there is a huge responsibility also on the on the u.s. media to convey the right church to the american public meeting which is unfortunately they're not doing their very much telling the whatever is the official line of the u.s. government so i think i don't see in the near future and many of the serious differences between pakistan and the united states getting. an update on our main story now the tragedy in central russia after a pleasure cruiser sank with almost two hundred on board in the river vulgar and target four people are now confirmed dead and more than one hundred people still missing search and rescue efforts will continue throughout the night dozens of people who were immediately rescued were taken to a nearby vessel and have now arrived ashore in cars on as you can see here friends
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and relatives gathered at the dock site where the first survivors were brought to shore most unlikely as of strauss they were met by police and medical crews and you take unfortunately. the vessel called the bulgaria reportedly sank within three minutes of getting into difficulty and was three kilometers from the shore when it went down it's thought to have been carrying people on a weekend a sightseeing way and was en route because i wouldn't say a storm is likely to be to blame for the sinking right now investigators are considering a number of possible. oldies including faulty equipment and whether the boat was overcrowded you of course will be keeping you updated on the latest information coming from the tragedy in to understand they were right here are to.
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keep. to the limits to just see
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the food to. fix it to if memory was. for the full story we've got it for the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers on our team. emission free cretaceous free zones for chargers free arrangements free. free studio time free. video. free media.
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first create. second. class to go deeper than the. hurt the remains. in valley feel. a little on our team. he gave. me to. see.
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what's the. breaking news from our people are now confirmed dead after a pleasure cruiser. public of total with nearly two hundred on board rescue efforts will continue through the night. from the weekly georgia journalists. personal photographer to police he claims it hasn't videotaped confessions that the group were on. a stolen revolution. the streets across the country to protest against the interim government's failure to bring in reforms there also demanding officials accused of
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killing protesters during the revolution that ousted president mubarak he brought to justice. and coming up next one man's fight against america's decision to build a military base in the czech republic that's our special report. i don't go over there yankee go home yankee go home go over there and we go all the time. we love our chuck land there and they're always forcing someone on us but the wheel turned more. as it was not. that i was a member of the green party marking borsak says it's
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a martin the. south where we're seeing friends we've seen a lot while filming the show. let us off but a bird has never flown into the room before. the sound that the city is still i think is there an expert on martin's here you know his it's good that he was. it's a swallow that i must find an expert on swallows who are sick doesn't know this the mayor young narrow says it's a representative from bertie preserve that's you know without. i don't know as the process as it is on march seventeenth i asked the citizens if they agree with the radar base i recommend that you find the courage to ask the citizens if they want the base city or the three men sat here one from the science academy one from the.


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